Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week 7 - Downsizing

Well is it now 7 weeks since my Gastric Bypass and I am now down to 92kgs and into a size 18 top and pants.

Considering my previous dress size was a 22 to 24 dependent on the make, not bad.

I have not had any "dumping" as yet but have had to purge a little when food gets stuck. I think it mainly gets stuck when I eat too fast without chewing the regulation 20 times.

Returned to work last Monday after 6 weeks off. Did not make it through the whole work day as my energy levels are still not up to normal.

My food intake is gradually increasing to the 8 tablespoons my dietitian wants me to get up too, I think I am up to a 6 tablespoons per meal. I can mostly eat what I want but it needs to be really soft moist meats etc.

No regrets to date of having had this operation.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Wow it's such different journey to the lap band but in other ways not all that different.

You're doing great. Have you found the site helpful? I know that have some bypass discussion groups etc. I think bypass is still more popular than banding in the USA.

Keep us posted on your progress!