Thursday, August 26, 2010

August Update

I haven't blogged for a while as there was nothing much to report. Weight is stable at 66kgs.

I recently had to have a laproscopic investigation as I had a severe bout of reflux with sever pain, this was the first episode since the operation. Doctor wanted to investigate to make sure that nothing was wrong. Apparently the intestines can loop around each other and cause pain and reflux.

They didn't find anything wrong, which is good. The reflux might have been caused by something I ate before going to bed ( I did have a couple of chocolate covered peanuts just prior to going to bed). As I haven't had another episode since, they think this might have been the cause.

I have been to a plastic surgeon re having a tummy tuck. Was actually booked in for the 30th August but have had to postpone that until I heal from the laproscope. I am having second thoughts about having it, as I am experiencing a lot of discomfort from this operation. Tummy tuck will be 10 time more painful, not sure I want to go there.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Hope all is well with you.
Hope to catch up soon around uni